After a survey by a group of international experts, the beaches at Sharm el-Sheikh are to reopen, but only after strict new safety measures are in place. There will be continuous patrols by boats close to shore.

Watch towers are being established along the beaches, manned by professional divers, equipped with binoculars to scan for any sign of sharks. Swimmers will have to remain within designated areas, and rules against feeding sharks or any other sea life are being reinforced. The international shark experts concluded that recent attacks were carried out by more than one shark, so waiting until the culprit was caught seems not to have been an option before opening the beaches, especially as the peak Christmas season approaches. But tourists may be understandably nervous and at least some cancellations are reported. 26. What probably happened before the re-opening of the beach?_________ A. It must have been destroyed by a rainstorm. B. It must have been visited by a dangerous shark. C. Some people must have come here for suicidal. D. There must have been a serious pollution. 27. Which of the following is NOT correct?_________ A. International experts surveyed the beach before its reopening. B. Patrol boats are used to keep the beach under close watch. C. People are not allowed to come to the beach. D. Tourists do not come to the beach any longer. 28. Which of the following is NOT included in the safety measures?__________ A. Patrol boats. B. Watch tower. C. Professional divers. D. International experts. 29. What can people do after the reopening of the beach?_________ A. Swim in designated area. B. Feed sea animals except sharks. C. Celebrate Christmas with professional divers. D. Learn how to dive from professional divers. 30. Which of the following is correct?_________ A. Several sharks may attack together. B. Sharks only attack at night. C. The beach will be reopened till the culprit is caught. D. The international shark experts patrol the beach every day.

时间:2023-01-25 11:58:01
