Midland Investment Banking issues a prospectus for its open-end Midland Gold Fund. In the prospectus, the investment policy is disclosed as, "We will maintain an investment posture of 50% or more in gold stocks and/or bullion, depending upon market conditions." This policy is maintained until the price of gold falls by 20%, leaving the fund 40% invested in gold stocks and bullion. Management decides that since the allocation was affected by market conditions, no action to either change the investment policy or to rebalance the portfolio is required. This decision is:

A) under the circumstances, not in violation of the Code and Standards. B) in violation of the Standard concerning disclosure of investment processes. C) in violation of the Standard concerning fiduciary duties to clients. D) in violation of the Standard concerning prohibition against misrepresentation.

时间:2023-09-25 16:59:44
