New CEO for TNR's European Division

Automaker TNR announced yesterday that it has (141) Pierre Aldridge, the current CEO of its IntelliCar division, to the new position of CEO of the entire European division, effective immediately. Mr. Aldridge, 48 years old, will be responsible for overseeing the company's operations throughout Europe, and also for looking into potential relationships and expansion opportunities in Asia. Although Mr. Aldridge will begin working in his new position immediately, he will continue acting as CEO of the IntelliCar division until the release of the IntelliCar 3.2, and until a (142) is hired. Mr. Aldridge is (143) for Tim Dressier, who was reassigned to the North American office. (41) A.appoint B.appoints C.appointed D.appointment

时间:2023-03-19 10:35:21
