听力原文:W:Read the report? The:tuition fee was increased to £ 3000 a year. And other living expenses are on average £3000 a year.

M:Yeah, it's a huge increase. How are you managing your budget? W:Well, (23)I got a student loan, which is just over £3 000, but also I get some money from my parents as well. They're happy to help out because it's towards an education;as long as we're not just wasting it all in drinking it all away. I am in the 3rd year.1 went to the end of my overdraft a couple of times and I'm lucky to have middle class parents who can help me out really. M:But mostly your finances have been poor! W:(24)That's because of the summer. If I just 1ived as a normal student and then worked during the summer it wouldn't be so bad—but I go on big holidays and things. This year I went to the Philippines and then came back overland from Singapore, which is a wicked experience, but eats into your finances obviously. What about you? M:My parents came to the arrangement that first of all they paid the fees for me;secondly they paid my hall fees; and thirdly they gave me an allowance. W:That's quite practical. But can you manage? M:Yeah, I did excellently. I decided first of all I was going to get a first, which I did, and secondly 1 was not going to have any debts.(25)I put the money in a high interest account, so I came out with no debts at all. But I did live on Marmite sandwiches almost for three years. (20) A.She earned a scholarship which covers all her studies. B.She got both a student loan and support from parents. C.She received a student loan and had a part-time job. D.She had overdrawn her loan and let parents help out.

时间:2023-01-17 16:29:27
