
“1923年的德国,税收收入低到不足以抵偿征税成本。以至于如果政府抛掉通常的征税体制,就剩下通货膨胀的话。预算赤字和通货膨胀率倒还会少一点?”(D.II.Aldcrof,《从凡尔赛到华尔街,1919—1929》,1981)试评之。 “In Germany in 1923,the depreciation of tax revenues reached a point at which taxes cost more to collect than they brought in.so that the budgetary deficit and rate 0f inflation would have been Jess had the ordinary machinery 0f taxation been discarded and the government relied 0n inflation alone”(D.H.Aldcroft.From Versailles to Wall Street 1919~1929,1981). Comment on this statement.

时间:2023-12-26 15:21:31
