Jobs genius for creating products and his marketing talent have long been hailed. All of that comes through in Becoming Steve Jobs, Schlender s and Tetzeli s new book. They contend that Jobs was a far more complex and interesting man than the half-genius / half-jerk stereotype, and a good part of their book is an attempt to craft a more rounded portrait. What makes their book important is that they also contend—persuasively, I believe—that, the stereotype notwithstanding, he was not the same man in his prime that he had been at the beginning of his career. The inexperienced, impulsive, arrogant youth who co-founded Apple was very different from the mature and thoughtful man who returned to his struggling creation and turned it into a company that made breathtaking products while becoming the dominant technology company of our time. Had he not changed, they write, he would not have succeeded.

时间:2024-01-15 11:28:52
