请用完整的句子列出讲稿主体中的要点。 用英文回答。 参考:第七章P89-96 及十三章的例子。 ------------------------------------------- 评分标准: 你喜欢ta讲稿主体部分的要点组织方式和写法吗? 参考下面的清单(即课本P94页清单), ta的要点组织方式和写法是否有助于ta达到演讲目标? Are my main points organized according to one of the following methods of organization? 组织要点时,是否用到了以下某种顺序:时间顺序,空间顺序,话题顺序,因果顺序? Does the body of my speech contain two to three main points? 演讲主体是否包含2-3个要点? Are my main points clearly separate from one another?每个要点之间是否划分明确? As much as

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