听力原文:A: I' d like to welcome "Sports World' Johnny Sprag, captain of that great football team, Manchester United. Hello, Johnny. How are you?

B: Hello, Brian. Fine, thanks. A: Now, Johnny, your team, Manchester United, is playing in the League Cup Final on Saturday. You hope to win the League Cup for the fourth time next Saturday. But Leeds City are a hard team to beat. What do you think of your chances? B: Well, Brian, I' m sure we ‘ll win. Leeds is a very strong team, but we' ve never been better than we are today. A: So you're quite sure Manchester will win the Cup for the fourth time? B: I certainly am, Brian. A: Well, I wish you the best of luck for Saturday. B: Thanks very much, Brian. A: And, by the way, happy birthday! How old are you now? B: I' m 31 today. A: Good. How are you going to celebrate? B: Well, I'm going to take my wife and two little girls out for dinner tonight. A: Good. And finally, tell us about the future, Johnny. What will you be doing in five years’time? B: Well, Brian, I hope I’ll still be playing football in five years’time. But perhaps in ten years’time, when I have to retire from playing, I don’t want to leave football. I' d really like to train young footballers. I don’t know for sure, but I always want to work in football. A: Good. Well, it’s been nice talking to you, Johnny. I’ll be watching the match on Saturday. Thanks for coming to talk to us. B: Thanks, Brian. Thank you for having me. How many times has Johnny’s team won the League Cup? A.Once. B.Twice. C.Three times. D.Four times.

时间:2023-02-04 10:26:54
