




Unit 7 Women: Making a difference

发表于 2022-08-20 18:12:12 阅读 (55) 分类:新视野读写教程

Text B


Reading skills: 1

1.C  2.B  3.B  4.A

Understanding the text 2

1.D  2.C  3.A  4.C  5.D  6.A   7.B    8.C


Critical thinking 3

1. *Similarities: family-oriented, busy with house chores, cook meals, take care of children, clean rooms, do laundry

2. *Help and support the husband

*education and behave children morally

*Maintain the order of home.

*Keep the family healthy

3.  *the husband: The man is supposed to have more responsibilities for his family since he physically stronger than his wife.

*The wife: the woman, to some degree, is more persevered in overcoming difficulties and she is always family-oriented.

*Both: Even though they share different family responsibilities, they both play important and indispensable poles as parents, husband or wife. Two incomes are always better than just one.

4.  *Advantages: able to take good care of family, including their diet and health; more communication with family; help children with their schoolwork.

*Disadvantages: a lot of stress, exhausted, less aware of the outside world, lose social contact.

5.  *Work outside: have many contacts, communication with more people, be informed of the outside world, be of more help financially.

*Stay home: take better care of family, pay more attention to children, provide healthier food to family, keep the rooms clean, help the husband / wife.


Words in use 4

1. bounce  2.tolerant  3.supplement  4.condemn  5.overflowed

6.  swear   7.resemble  8.compounded  9.disgusting  10.trim


Expressions in use 5

1. convert to  2. was revolted by  3.  was comprised of  4. busied himself with

5. fussed over   6. is unique in   7. exerting themselves  8. substituted for


Sentence structure 6

1. Having no idea about their thoughts and opinion, I would rather five up the attempt to guess what their reaction will be.

2. To avoid making mistakes, I would rather be home alone and not communicate with anybody.

3. The old man would rather be living in the past, for things are much more different today than they were in the past.


Sentence structure 7

1. I couldn’t stand bad manners and thought my leaving was anything but rude, so I got the nest train back home and left him there.

2. They usually look very nice and even generous, but in terms of integrity, they are anything but honest.

3. When the two young people got married, may people attended the wedding ceremony, yet it was anything but modern.



1. strong urge   2. Particularly difficult  3. Demanding job

4. make concessions   5. Social context  6. Management style



1. plausible  2. context  3.management  4.pleasantly  5. great  6. Strong

7 subtle   8 conflicting  9 personal   10 typically   11 diplomatically  12 vaguely