听力原文:Canada's Olympic 100-meter Champion Donovan Bailey showed he was on his way back

听力原文: Canada's Olympic 100-meter Champion Donovan Bailey showed he was on his way back to top form. on Tuesday by winning the 100 meters at the athletic meet in Switzerland in a time of 9.98 seconds. Despite unfavourable wind conditions, Bailey recorded the second best time of the year, short after 9.91 set by double world champion Morris Greene of the United States on May 13th in Asaka, Japan. "I would have run 9.8 if I really pushed myself," said Bailey, 1996 Olympic and 1995 world champion. The Canadian has been fighting for form. before the Sydney Olympics, following a long-term injury which resulted in a disappointing series of starless season. Which of the following records was the second best time of the year by Donovan Bailey? A.9.98. B.9.80. C.9.91. D.9.95.

时间:2023-02-05 09:52:41
