新编汽车专业英语 第3版

新编汽车专业英语 第3版




Unit 1

发表于 2022-08-20 18:12:12 阅读 (93) 分类:汽车专业英语


1. the internal combustion engine   内燃机

2. a reciprocating engine           往复发动机

3. exhaust emissions               废气排放

4. fuel consumption               燃料燃烧

5. fuel economy                  燃油经济性

6. combustion chamber            燃烧室

7. hybrid-electric vehicle           混动汽车

8. mass production               大规模生产

9. dual-fuel vehicle               双燃料汽车

10. air-cooled engine               风冷式发动机

1. A diesel engine compresses its cylinder air on its compresstion stroke before any fuel enters the cylinder

2. The internal combustion engine is the one most commonly used in the automotive field.

3. According to the fuel energy used,the internal combustion engines are also divided into gasoline engines,and diesel engine.

4. The piston converts the potential energy of the fuel into the kinetic energy.

5. The power production cycle consists of four strokes of the position in a reciprocating engine.

6. The engine is generally considered the “heart” of an automobile

7. This four strokes cycle of piston within the cylinder is repeated time and again to push the vehicle foreard.

8. There are actually various types of engines such an electric engines,steam engines,and internal combustion engines.

1. compression ratio : the total volume divided bv the compression volume

2. internal combustion engine : burning their fuel inside their cylinders

3. engine : a heart of an automobile

4. stroke : the movement of the piston within the cylinder and the distance of piston travel

5. reciprocating : the up and down action of a piston in the cylinder

6. gasoline : a mixture of flammable liquid hydrocarbons derived chiefly from crude petroleum.

1. If you know something about ordinary gasoline engines, you will have notice that diesel engines, in many respects, work in the same way as gasoline engines.


2. The engine is the source of power that makes the car and the truck move.(使得汽车行驶)

3. As it would not be reasonable to have to stop the engine every time it was required to stop the car.(每次都到停车)

4. Some of parts make the car move comfortable or better looking, but most of them are to make it run.(有些部件使得汽车更舒适或更美观)

5. Not all of this heat can be used, and if allowed to remain in the engine, it would soon destroy it.(如果让其热量保留在发动机中)