新编汽车专业英语 第3版

新编汽车专业英语 第3版




Unit 6

发表于 2022-08-20 18:12:12 阅读 (29) 分类:汽车专业英语


1 If your brakes can work properly , good brakes are essential for safety during dn、ruvtg.

2. The disk brake is the best brake which is generally due to its simpler design , lighter i .elju Ind better braking performance.

3 Brake linings used to be made maxnly of metals., because of ats heat absorbing propertlcb

4Caliper is an important part, and it must be replaced if it indicates a sign of leak!ng lbfa_e Eutd. .lc

5 The reason why we still have cars wlth drum brakes ls cheap.

6.Drum brakes consist of some parts , such as a backing plate, brake shoes , brake dm. .1, wheel cylnder, return springs and an automatic or self-adjusting system.. brake shoes a brake

1. T     2. T     3. F     4. T     5. T     6. F



1. brake system            制动系统

2. the parking brake        驻车制动器

3. the service brake system   行车制动系统

4. the disk brake           盘式制动器

5. the hand brake          手制动

6.the brake shoe           制动蹄片
7. drum brake             鼓式制动器

8. brake pads             制动块
9 brake performance       制动性能 

10. brake fluid               制动液


1. The most vital factor in the running and control of the modem vehicles is the breaking system.

2. Brake fluid is a special liquid for use in a hydraulic brake system.

3. The small forces applied to the brake pedal usually produce relatively large forces.

4. The rate of slowing down or retardation is governed by the speed of conversion of energy.

5. Brake is a friction device for converting the power into heat by means of friction

6. To decelerate and stop the moving automobile, the service brake are usually used.

7. The brake lining of a friction maternal are secured to the shoes by brass

8. The brake drum is mounted on the wheel hub.




1 brake : the means of bringing to rest a moving vehicle in a shortest possible distance.       

2 service brake : stop or slow a car by depressing and releasing the brake pedal. 

3 hand brake : keep the car from rolling on unleveled ground.  

4 drum brake : a backing plate , brake shoes , wheel cylinder , return springs etc.    

5 parking brake : hold the automobile at rest.   


1. An automobile brake system is actually a friction device to change power into heat(实际上就是一种把动力转变成热量的摩擦装置).

2. Basically , automobile brakes are of two types: the mechanical brakes and the hydraulic brakes (机械制动器和液压制动) 

3. The most vital factor in the running and control of the modem vehicles is the automobile brake system (汽车制动系统).

4. There are two brake shoes at each wheel. The bottoms of the shoes are held apart by an adjuster. The tops of shoes are held apart by a wheel cylinder(蹄片顶部由轮缸分别固定)

5. Brake lines are steel tubing with copper and lead coating to prevent rust and corrosion ( 以防锈蚀)