英语翻译 市场部将为新任部门经理Mike Martin 举行欢迎招待会(welcome reception),要求部门员工全部参加.请以市场部的名义写一份通知,内容包括, 1 欢迎招待会的目的 2 欢迎招待会的时间,地点和参与人员 3 新任部门经理的相关经历 Notification To all employee, Welcome reception for Mike Martin,new marking manger,will be held next Friday at our big meeting room.All employee welcome to attend. Mike Martin,our new marking manger,has been work for lots of big company,and gains lots of experience.This time he joins us to share his experience and will help us to make much more effects. Please make sure everybody come to meeting room on time and have a good communication and have a fun. Marking Department

时间:2023-11-12 11:17:12
